Types of field marketing campaigns

Written by Azza Hawash

Types of field marketing campaigns

Field marketing campaigns

Brands usually rely on more than one field marketing campaign when developing marketing strategies for a specific product. Especially since field marketing campaigns have many advantages and risks associated with them. Especially since the reputation of your product or brand is controlled by field marketing teams who have special ways to communicate and interact with customers in order to promote products or services.

Field marketing campaigns involve a variety of multiple tactics to get their message across to the target audience. All of them aim to focus on building good relationships with current and potential customers. In addition to generating new customers, this often occurs through personal, face-to-face communication in the following marketing activities:

First: product demos

Product demonstrations are some of the best and most popular field marketing campaigns of all time. This type of marketing campaign is also very beneficial for a brand that is closely associated with food and beverages.

Sometimes, at product demonstrations, field marketers offer samples and free gifts to target audiences at retail locations, on campuses, and during events. Field marketers display their products in a wonderful and attention-grabbing manner. So that it attracts customers and they have the ability to try these products before making a purchase decision.

In the demonstration strategy, the field marketing team aims to engage the target audience using consumer products with different campaign objectives and budgets. While it includes demonstrations of non-consumer goods and products. Give the target audience some hands-on experience with the product by using it for some time or seeing it in action over a specific period of time.

During product demonstrations, field marketers at some companies may distribute samples of their products in stores or universities. Or during important events in order to encourage the target audience to buy these products after they have already tried them.

Often, these companies deliberately communicate with potential customers who have received samples of their products to encourage them to purchase large quantities. Where companies make phone calls or field meetings with their customers. Hence, the marketing goal shifts from finding new customers to retaining them as permanent customers.

Product promotions can be used within the stores themselves, and here field marketers follow a different approach to increasing sales.

Second: street shows

Street Promotions are one of the most important field marketing strategies and activities. During these campaigns, field marketers are better able to reach the target audience easily based on the geographical areas that were previously identified during the development of your strategic plan.

There are several marketing activities that can be used in street shows. You can distribute flyers or gifts in crowded places that contain large numbers of your potential customers or who are already consumers of your product. This marketing strategy is characterized by the fact that it presents brands and company products in a more accessible and less expensive way, and yet it is more effective.


One of the advantages of this strategy is that the street marketing team can move from one place to another. This gives the team flexibility and freedom of movement, thus reaching potential customers more widely. Which helps the brand spread in the field, in contrast to marketing activities that require working in a specific space dedicated to those marketing tasks.

Integrating street team marketing into your overall marketing strategy is a necessary and very important step. Especially if you are launching a new product or service or aiming to increase awareness of your brand. Or if you want to attract the attention of the public and consumers to the brand. Marketing experts believe that street shows are one of the most prominent field marketing campaigns that help you expand your customer base.

If your strategy includes street performances, you need to take several considerations into account. You must define your target audience very precisely, know where they gather, and then determine the approach you will follow to implement your strategy, such as: distributing flyers, promotional gifts, demonstrations, or samples.

It is also necessary to determine the locations where the street marketing teams will be deployed, choose the appropriate timing, determine the tasks of the marketing team, and obtain work permits from the competent authorities in accordance with the laws of your country. In addition to defining your campaign goals and KPIs through which you can track your goals. Perhaps you can measure performance through the number of sales, the number of free samples, the number of gifts, or the number of downloads of a specific digital application that you are promoting on social media sites.

Third: Guerrilla marketing as a type of field marketing campaign

Guerrilla Marketing is a marketing strategy that uses new, unique, or unconventional methods to increase sales or strengthen interest in a brand or specific products and services. These methods are often low-cost or no-cost, but they require more mental energy and creative thought than guerrilla campaigns. Traditional street marketing.

It also includes the widespread use of in-person interactions or viral social media messages. Guerrilla marketing campaigns have increased in popularity with the growing technological advancement in the world of communication. and innovating smart mobile technologies that can amplify messages and focus on targeted groups of consumers.

Guerrilla marketing requires skilled and creative marketers who have the ability to create and innovate distinct and rich methods of interacting with potential customers in creative ways. And in locations unexpected for the customers themselves. Therefore, this strategy needs a marketing team highly skilled in guerrilla marketing.

In this marketing strategy, brands invest time, energy, and effort instead of money. The marketing team has a strong dedication to following up on the target audience instead of ignoring customers once they complete the purchase process or obtain the service provided by the brand, and here lies the importance of after-sales services.

Marketing experts confirm that guerrilla marketing teams’ primary goal is to build long-term relationships with existing customers and retain them. And not just an attempt to achieve sales growth or increase brand awareness. Often these campaigns use the current marketing environment as a basis for building creative experiments conducted by the guerrilla marketing team.

Fourth: Retail audit

Retail Audits look at the way marketing materials are displayed in retail stores. So, brands dedicate some teams to this marketing task. Where retail audits are conducted on a group of retail outlets to know sales volume and selling trends in stores, etc.

Retail audit teams use the audit process to calculate increased sales from in-store promotions. In addition to collecting information that will determine the effectiveness of offers and marketing materials on various sales sites, it increases its importance.

The results of this audit can help brands correct and improve their retail and point-of-sale strategies. Especially since the importance of conducting a retail audit lies in giving brands an accurate picture of events in retail stores and contributes to implementing sound procedures to increase sales immediately.

In any case, a comprehensive retail audit identifies many key data and information that impact the success of the retail operation. The goal of this marketing process is to transform retail data into actionable insights that lead to reliable, calculated, and serious business decisions aimed at achieving company goals.

It includes the main data obtained in the audit process. Product sales volume, service consumption by customers, trade show volume, product pricing, inventory process, field team performance, and customer engagement. It extends to identifying other data about the conditions of the store or company, such as cleanliness and the appearance of the shelves.

There are various ways in which retail and sales data can be captured and organized. Among them are preparing market and corporate reports, customer surveys, and auditing of retail promotions. The audit process can be conducted through digital retail audit software that helps reduce human error that the marketing team may fall into. These automated programs can take digital images and store data in real-time, which helps in making timely decisions.

Fifth: Merchandise marketing with retail partners

Merchandising is one of the field marketing activities used by stores in order to encourage potential customers to enter the store to see goods and products. It also aims to encourage the customer to complete the purchase after being satisfied with the product.

Commodity marketing is called trade or commerce, and it is one of the effective methods in field marketing campaigns. During this the field marketing team develops sales offers that attract the target audience, offer discounts, or identify prominent spaces within the store to place the products so that they are in places close to potential customers.

In merchandise marketing campaigns, your product or brand is promoted by using another product or brand. For example, when you enter a supermarket, you may find many related products on one shelf, and these products may be from the same company or another brand. So, the marketing team collaborates with retail partners in order to improve sales growth of these products or increase their revenues.

Sixth: Field marketing campaigns through direct sales to customers

Direct selling to customers is one of the most prominent field marketing campaigns. Through these marketing campaigns, customers can interact with the field marketing team to answer questions raised by customers. In addition to providing samples and demonstrations to the target audience. Therefore, you find many companies organizing marketing strategies that combine direct sales campaigns with demonstrations of goods and products.

Direct selling to customers is one of the retail channels that major brands, and medium and small businesses prefer to use. And include it with their marketing strategies to increase sales of a product to potential consumers and customers. Direct selling teams can promote all goods and services such as perfumes, cosmetics, and other goods.

Now you can establish your small-sized company independently, relying on direct sales campaigns to customers. One of the advantages of these campaigns is the possibility of establishing a company with low startup costs. Direct selling campaigns have also become a growing and stimulating industry that enables companies to find other channels to promote their products. Away from traditional retail methods in stores and malls.

Marketing experts believe that direct selling to customers is one of the more effective marketing strategies for companies and production lines than traditional advertising. Through the promotional presence of goods and services at various events and pop-up shops – which are launched for short, temporary periods – the chances of increasing sales increase. In addition to contributing significantly to improving direct sales campaigns to customers.


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